Aug 05

Rejected Olympic Sports


This was a very popular trending topic on Twitter for about five minutes. Here are my contributions. Read them before they become even more non-topical.


  1. The 100 Metres Sneer
  2. Spelling Bee
  3. Pedestrian
  4. Drug Running
  5. People Watching
  6. The 200 Metres Dancing on the Ceiling
  7. Freestyling
  8. Passive Aggressive Guilt Tripping
  9. Hipster-athalon
  10. Massage
  11. Human Baby Catapult
  12. Synchronized Yodeling
  13. The Totally Unreal-lay
  14. Buttering
  15. Water Polio
  16. Underwater Cockfighting
  17. The 1000 Metres Plummet
  18. Thinking or anything to do with the Arts or anything to do with not being a drug- taking freak