Apr 25

12A – All the Promo Posters (designed by Mark Woodward & Chris Tomkins)

Main Poster Image…thumbnail



Poster Chris…30707232_10155140553796184_2667547562676232954_n


Poster Nicholas….




Poster Vaughn…30727712_436614840126731_3399773485902331904_o



Poster Emily…30743794_436570366797845_5000521609736355840_o



Poster Fleur…30725333_10215419227534530_7401816075215568896_n



Poster Brose…30726090_2047740665515710_6644369425443061760_n

Apr 25

12A – Random Rehearsal Photos


The play…





Early rehearsal with Vaughn and Brose…IMG_0137



Early rehearsal with Emily and Fleur…IMG_0144



Dress rehearsal pep talk…30712973_10155145426001184_6723858594180121678_n



Dress rehearsal with Fleur and Emily…30171061_10155145401861184_8684009981439935571_o



Dress rehearsal with Brose, Vaughn and Emily…30051700_10155144290221184_4092957629114752737_o



Emily and James on the publicity trail…30709829_2054702168107971_2833307272820555776_n



Backstage with Nicholas, Fleur and Emily…30051817_10155149968436184_5873528225552350595_o



Backstage nerves with Fleur…30052269_10155148215096184_2736756886979765316_o



Backstage with Vaughn and Emily… 




Bakcstage with Nicholas and Brose…30424895_10155146101196184_7654146414787885728_o




The note Pam is made to read…





Sign outside La Mama – opening night…IMG_0186


Apr 25

Excerpts From Another Review of 12A

“Presented as part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, James Hazelden’s morbid 12A is a vignette of stories all taking place inside a suburban home that has the misfortune of being apartment number 12A.


The first of the three revolves around two friends (Brose Avard and Vaughn Rae) discussing the previous nights events as a woman sleeps awkwardly on a chair. The second story involves a young man (Nicholas Roy) who goes to collect his lost wallet from a stranger’s home (brilliantly played by Chris Tomkins). Tomkins’ portrayal builds the uncertainty of what is happening and while he appears to be a peculiar person, we are kept guessing right up until the end as to how this will unfold. While the ending is also unexpected, this time Hazelden drops clues throughout and brings them nicely together for the big reveal. Hazelden leaves his best for last with a hitwoman (Emily Carr) on a mission to assassinate a young woman (Fleur Saxton) in her home. Both actors are highly convincing in their roles of two people trying to reach the most advantageous outcome to their dire situation. They do a great job in finding the comedy of their characters while still remaining the cold-hearted assassin or the petrified victim.


Half the fun of a show like 12A is trying to determine who is telling the truth and how everything will play out. By taking everyday situations such as an unfortunate sexual experience, a missing wallet and a relationship break up, Hazelden presents three tales that take the audience to some dark and twisted places, and what could be more entertaining than that? ”


- My Melbourne Arts (Myron My)

Edited from the original review – complete review HERE

Apr 25

A Nice Review of 12A

“Enter at your own risk!


A new show by the Mystery Radio Theatre crew, this show will leave you cringing with spooky delight as mysterious revisitations of three intertwining tales combine to create this intriguing theatre production titled 12A.


Written, produced and directed by James Hazelden as part of this year’s Melbourne International Comedy festival, it’s currently being performed at La Mama.


This is a black comedy with witty and well-crafted language that seamlessly connects the series of mysteries into a twist of dangerous encounters separated only by time and year.


Murder is always an operative option in apartment 12A. The first tale begins with the girlfriend slumped in a chair, who is questionably asleep or maybe dead. Her boyfriend and his sidekick friend discuss the relationship as he reveals his menacing thoughts of being a serial killer.


These Pinteresque characters exude ominous feelings of danger and betrayal as they are thrown into grave circumstances.


The same apartment, harboring a history of spine thrilling secrets haunted by the number thirteen; the real estate con artist exclaims who manipulates his victim with the tales of the Black Mist superhero, as he slowly unravels his sinister intentions in a deadly festering and comical manner.


Impressive cutting-edge material worthy of a good night out at the theatre! Check it out or die!”


- Stage Whispers (Flora Georgiou)


Original review HERE

Jun 07

Viewer Reviews: Mystery Radio Theatre Series 2

Here are some (mostly) rave reviews of Mystery Radio Theatre from punters on the On The House website:
goobs ★★★★★
Very funny
Jenny4stars ★★★★★
Fun show and great venue! I just wish that there were more of the ‘sound effects’ created live on-stage.
Jess82 ★★★★
Demon ★★★★
Very entertaining performance of ‘The Killer Wore Death’. Amusing and engaging cast that seemed to be enjoying themselves as much as we were. Fantastic, quirky venue enhances the experience. Worth taking in.
meditatingcat ★★★★★
Brilliant! 5 star performance.
rubberman ★★★
I saw “Maxie Diablo & The Funky Funky Sex Murders”. The actress playing Maxie Diablo is a talent, and Sexy Pete had a good turn. It’s just not quite clever enough yet to be very amusing for more discerning viewers. Solid enough diverting entertainment.
Original page HERE
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